New GPS Tracking System

GPS Tracking Software

TrackSec new GPS tracking system ( is launched now. The updated new GPS tracking platform supports the latest functions with user-friendly interface. The new TrackSec GPS tracking system is available for 19 languages (Check the supported language list)
Supported Language

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The new TrackSec GPS tracking system consists of the following sections:

1. Status Section:

Under the status section, there are 4 tabs:

– For the Asset Overview tab, you can have a list to show all the assets information you have added. The information includes assets name, last update, locations, and the map. You can also to just see the assets you wanted via the asset type filter.

– For Alerts tab, you can create different events and flag the device as an alert. These alerts can be viewed from the Alerts window, and optionally acknowledged by your call centre staff. In addition, alerts can be forwarded to a user’s email address or cell phone via SMS.

– For the Map View tab, you will have a better large map screen to show all you assets on the map.

– For the Tasks tab, you can see all the tasks you created, including active tasks and completed tasks.

At status section, you can also create your own cost centers. The functions will include: Configuring Cost Centers; Assigning Cost Centers to Assets and Users;

2. History Section:

Under History Section, you can select an asset to see the routes of it. And you can back play the history routes in the map. You can check the details of the asset including started and end time, speed chart, distance etc. You can also check all the events of the asset and its’ location list.

3. Reporting Section:

TrackSec provides you with a predefined list of reports. These are customizable, and can be saved as templates if used regularly.

Here is the predefined list of reports:

– Alert Report: Lists alerts generated by your assets

– Analog Graph Report: Graph analog values per day

– Asset State Report: Lists the time and distance spent in each asset state.

– Asset Rating Report: Lists asset rating information in a number of styles.

– Business Mileage Report: Lists the business and personal trips with distance and time summaries.

– Curfew Violation Report: Lists trips that violated working hours for the selected assets and date range.

– Device Data Usage: A listing of device data usage, per client or per device

– Device Last Update: A listing of devices and assets that haven’t updated in a set period.

– Digital Event Report: Lists the distance and duration that a particular digital IO was switched on for.

– Event Report: Lists asset event instances

– Idling Report: Lists incidents of idling over a set duration and their location.

– Location Report: Lists the current location for the selected assets.

– Odometer/Hours Report: Lists the change in odometer and engine hours over a date range.

– Over Speeding Report: Lists instances of over speeding.

– Photo Report: Displays photos that have been taken with on-board cameras for the selected date range.

– Reminder Report: Lists the reminders and their time/distance to expiry for selected assets.

– SMS Report: Listing of SMS message totals.

– Stock Take Report: Listing of configured items by client.

– Stopping Report: Lists the stops and their duration for the selected assets and date range.

– Telemetry Report: Lists the telemetry records for the selected assets and date range.

– Trip Listing Report: Lists the trips for the selected assets and date range.

– Trip Listing Report (Visual): Lists the trips for the selected assets and date range and includes a map view.

– User System Usage: Shows the amount of hours each user has been using the system

– Utilization Report: Summary of asset utilization.

– Zone Report: Lists the time and distance spent in zones.

You can customize new reports. Or view completed reports and download the reports in PDF, CSV, or XML formats.

4. Administration Section:

At this section, you can add new assets, assigning different different assets to different devices. Create different assets groups. Create different users.